John Viner from the Aikido club and energy consultant came on Saturday and we checked the cottage out for air-leaks and drafts. The machine he has literally creates a vacuum within the house and then John runs around with an infra-red meter and looks for the leaks! (I think we passed!).
Yesterday, the St Peter's All-Inclusive and Ever-Vigilant

You see in the picture Jr. Warden and Chief Inspector of the Waukesha County Sheriff's Dept. doing what he does best -- stuffing things into a system of hot air (just kidding, Steve!).
Peter is looking out the window to get Steve to hurry up even though he is sorely limping from a recent basketball injury.
And in the dusty attic, you can barely see Dave Claude in the far reaches as he holds the spray nozzle (I think Peter is giving orders!).
Tomorrow the folks from Don's Appliance in Dodgeville are coming to set up the stove, washer

This afternoon I will send out another blog for the day after our meeting at the Cancer Clinic.
Until then keep us in prayer,
David and Sabine