The Relay was held on the track and infield of Wisconsin Heights High School and was a combined Relay for the communities of Mazomanie, Black Earth and Cross Plains. I think this is their second year and they raised over $60K for cancer research.
The Relay was to have a movie theme. And we selected "The Wizard of Ox." You could find our tent by the bright rainbows -- and bluebirds flying.
The poster on the left says "ding-dong the cancer's dead" with the protruding socks and feet of the wicked witch clearly visible.
The green carpet has yellow bricks -- so folks can find the Emerald City (the screen tent in back that is ringed with green lights.

Our niece, Teak, showed up with her children (Seger and Malea) as "Munchkins," along with Sabine's mom as the Tin Man. I was the Lion (grrrr!) and Sabine, was, of course, Dorothy (check out the red sequined shoes!).
We also want to thank folks for their appearances, support that night: Bill, Gail, Sheri, Sue, Mitch, Deb, John, Kim, Heather, Ben, and Ginny. And we also thank all of you who sent Sabine checks made out to the American Cancer Society.

We also had tickets to Eugene O'Neil's comedy, "Ah, Wilderness," at the American Players Theater in nearby Spring Green. It was a great weekend!

On Sunday, Sabine, her mom, and Yumi, joined me for my monthly celebration of the Eucharist at St Andrew's parish in Monroe.
Next week, after the Fourth of July, we begin three weeks of schooling on home dialysis and Sabine gets a pre-surgical workup on getting a fistual planted in her forearm.
Again, thanks for all your love and support!