Our efforts are now being directed at trying to arrange home dialysis. We are scheduled to begin our three-week training course right after the 4th of July. And Sabine is already scheduled for a pre-surgical analysis of her arm veins.
There are some good reasons for doing home dialysis (especially for a cancer that affects one's immune system). First of all, it is a better dialysis. Doing daily dialysis (they tell us) is better than doing every other day dialysis. Secondly, the home environment is a cleaner environment with regard to infection than a clinical or hospital environment. And the third reason is that we can program the machine to better accommodate Sabine's chemotherapy which will be part of our life for sometime to come. Now, all we have to do is convince our health care provider -- Group Health Cooperative. Home dialysis is a new program and we are told is about the same cost as dialysis in the clinic. So we are waiting for their decision and in the meantime we have asked Sabine's primary care physician and nurse case manager from GHC to do what they can do to help us. (An area for prayer!)

You might wonder who these birds are -- they are not Sabine and me strolling along the prairie with Mocha; no, they are our new guests who have taken up residence across the highway from our farm -- a pair of Sandhill Cranes and their young chick (you can see the chick on the right side of the picture).

The other summer visitor we wish to note are the Ladyslipper flowers that we found growing last year on our south trail. They only last about two weeks but are beautiful wildflowers.
So that's the report from New Journey Farm. Next Sunday we go down to Janesville and fill in at Trinity Episcopal Church while the priest takes a needed vacation. We are also going to help out at New Heights Lutheran Church (Mazomanie and Black Earth) at the end of August while that pastor takes a well-earned vacation.
The pool is warm [80 degrees] (using only the sun to heat it this year!), the woods a rich green, and Charlotte's flowers and vegetable garden are doing their thing.
Don't forget to come and visit during one of the Relays this summer: JUNE 27 AT WISCONSIN HEIGHTS HIGH SCHOOL and JULY 25 IN MOUNT HOREB!
Love and blessings to all of you!