No, this is NOT a new picture... This is a pic of Sabine after 9-11 when the police got all this fancy riot control gear.
But what I wanted to do by posting this picture of my gal was to illustrate that she is a fighter! And this week proved it!
First of all, our meeting with Dr Sheehan was, again, GOOD NEWS! While Sabine's cancer numbers were up somewhat over last time they were not significantly up; that is, not up enough to trigger a new round of chemotherapy.
The doc seemed happy with her progress and that made Sabine happy and when Sabine is happy so am I!
The following day (Thursday) we had our monthly clinical appointments at the dialysis center and a check as to how the third surgical attempt at a fistula hookup was working.
Since the surgery we had detected a pretty good pulse at the surgical site and had even experienced what is called a "thrill;" that is, a definitive pulse you can feel at the surgical connection site with your finger tips.
And you know what? It was confirmed by the medical staff that the connection sounds and feels pretty good. Sabine now needs to let it "mature;" that is, she will now do specific exercises like arm curls to get the blood flowing in that area and expand those dinky veins over hers.
Nevertheless, we are not going to rush on this and let this site develop. So that's MORE good news this week.
Later this spring, I plan on putting Sabine out on the championship arm wrestling circuit. Perhaps you can come and see her at bar or tavern near you.
We are looking forward to Christmas and seeing Sumi, Scott and little Taylor along with Josh, Sarah, and nieces Teak and Kim. Teak with husband Kelly and their two kids, Seger and Malea, and Kim with her two boys, Jared and Jackson. Daughter Yumi cannot be home this Christmas as she is working help a unit in her battalion return from Iraq.
Blessings to all of you as we all contemplate the road to Bethlehem and the birth of child who changed the world.
David and Sabine