While we were in Florida we meet with granddaughter Lauren and her friend, Kayle and had a nice dinner and poolside evening with them.
We also had a visit from friends Rusty and Diane Olson who had recently moved nearby to Winter Garden. They were members of our parish in North Lake.
Sabine tried to spend as much time as she could in the sun.
On the way home we stopped overnight at a beautiful state park in Georgia and then found ourselves sleeping in a truck stop in Illinios when we found two state parks and they both were closed!
We have a big week ahead of us:
This afternoon we received our monthly shipment of dialysis supplies (over 50 boxes).
Tomorrow we meet with our support group in Madison.
On Wednesday, we check in with Dr Sheehan and see how the cancer is doing or NOT doing!
On Thursday we attend our monthly medical clinic at the dialysis center in Madison and get a medical, social, dietary "check up" and more supplies... (it's not over yet....)
On Friday and Saturday kids and nieces and nephews roll into Blue Mounds for an early Christmas (we seem to have to do that each year to try and get everyone together).
Sunday is 4th Advent and then Sabine and I have a quiet week as we prepare for Christmas Eve Mass at St Andrew's in Monroe where I am the celebrant! Phew!
Nevertheless, as we all approach the Sacred Time, Sabine and I wish you a blessed and peaceful Christmas and New Year's!
Last year, Sabine's cancer was "kicking in." We didn't know what it was during Christmas time and then on New Year's Eve we were in the hospital. We have all come a long way. We never thought we would ever be celebrating this Christmas together. God is good.
And as we said in our Christmas Letter... "this has been the most challenging year we have faced. We have learned four important things:
1. Human beings are very adaptable.
2. Love is powerful.
3. Laughter heals.
4. Family and friends are indispensable!
With our heartfelt love...