Sabine's sister, Barbara, and her husband, Ken (who helped us out last January-February in our time of crisis) came back and spent this past week with us. They live in northwest Missouri and we, throughout the years, have treasured each one of their visits.
So we took Sabine on her first open road bike ride (10 miles) and perused the restored prairie land south of Mt Horeb, toured and picnicked at the wonderful International Crane Foundation near Baraboo, and attended a production of George Bernard Shaw's "The Widower's Houses" at the open aired and wooded American Players Theater in Spring Green.
This morning we met with Dr Yolanda Becker and her staff to explore "Plan B" with regard to the fistula surgery which failed a couple of weeks ago. Dr Becker presented Sabine with some options and we decided to take her recommendation: she would try to connect a fistula again (this time on Sabine's right arm) in a two-stage operation. Stage one is to connect a fistula deeper in Sabine's arm, and, if that takes and looks good, to have another operation that would bring the vein to the surface and be in a position to "button-hole" a fistula port for dialysis purposes. As I mentioned earlier, a fistula is the best option for Sabine and a graft a "do-able" fall back. So it's prayer time again for Dr Becker's hands to be guided and for this fistula to work!
Next week we take blood labs prior to our visit with Dr Sheehan, Sabine's oncologist/hemotologist, the following week. We are hoping and praying that these nasty blood proteins (lambda light chains) remain repressed and in control.
Sabine has been asked to be on a panel for a conference regarding myeloma in Waukesha this coming October. She will be asked to relate her experiences with the onset of this disease and a patients-perspective on her treatment.
The summer has been calm and quiet. Let's just keep it that way.
Love and blessings from us!