past 15 weeks without chemotherapy. We did labs this past Tuesday and should get the results before we meet with Sabine's oncologist/hematologist, Dr Sheehan this coming Wednesday.
In the meantime, home dialysis has been going well for us -- more flexibility. Sometime this month we will do a two-day "trial run" on the road and see how it goes. Hopefully, we plan on taking a two-week vacation sometime this fall or early winter.
As far as the elusive "fistula" goes, Sabine is scheduled for surgery again on Monday, September 8, when Dr Becker will try another method to hook up a fistula for Sabine. Prayers and positive thoughts are openly solicited!

Sabine has been running almost every day and has now joined me for some bike rides. When I think where we were last January and where we are now, I am both humbled and amazed by God as I give him thanks.
I have added a few pictures from a car show in nearby Spring Green last weekend. I salivated over both the MG and a GT Ferrari I saw!
We also visited the open house at our new EMS station just up the block from the cottage. We have a staff of some 30+ EMTs and 24 hour staffing -- it makes caregivers like me a little more secure just knowing that.
Love and blessings from both of us!