Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Oh No! Not Again!

Bad weather. Rain and ice. Dangerous walking. We were at the UW Hospital earlier to today for a fistulagram and headed home around 3:00 p.m. We parked under the shelter and Sabine took some groceries into the house.

I said I was going to chore the donkeys and she was to drive the car down to the farmhouse because of the icy driveway conditions.

For some reason (the drugs she received for the fistulagram?) she decided to walk down the driveway when I heard her scream...


9-1-1 time and I think the 3rd time the Barneveld ambulance team made a visit to New Journey Farm.

Sabine was conveyed to the ER at UW Hospital and that's where we are right now.

Preliminary diagnosis was a hip fracture, but now they want to take more X-rays and possible a CT scan to see what's going on. She is now on a dilaudid drip and more exams coming.

Looks like she will be admitted and we will have to coordinate dialysis at the hospital in the morning and her chemo regimen in the afternoon.

Buddy and Helene are at the farm but it looks like we will have to have some help with her when Helene leaves for Stevens Point.

This is a big setback.

I know you are all concerned and I will keep you updated on this blogsite.

Keep us all in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about Sabine. Give her a hug from Susan and Jim. Looks like you will need a few more home cooked meals sent your way. I'LL get right on that. Jim
