This past year has been progressively better with few, if any, real setbacks. Last year at this time I was a wreck. I didn't know if Sabine and I would see the end of the year together. Thanks to God and your prayers and love we are here together and planning for this new year: farm projects, travel ventures and our personal exercise goals along with working on our overall physical, mental and spiritual health.
My bicycle sits on the porch -- resting -- we did a lot of miles together. Our snowshoes have had a lot of use as we have packed down a solid trail through our woodland hiking trail.
Last Friday we had an appointment at UW Hospital to check out the swelling in Sabine's upper arm and shoulder. Was this just good vascular development or was it trouble looming? Fortunately, it was the former. The surgical venous connection was working well and had a strong "bruie" (pulse) and also a "thrill" (a humming in the connected veins that can be felt by fingertip).
Our next step is to set a date for another surgery. We knew this would be a two-step affair as the surgeon had to go deep into Sabine's arm to make a connection. Now Dr Becker has to pull that vein up and closer to the surface so that a fistula for dialysis can be made. This will involve general anesthesia and an overnight stay at the hospital; probably sometime in March. I am sure it will revive for both of us those fearful memories of our last hospital stay. But -- "we can do it!"
Sabine and I are preparing to teach the seven-week Marriage Course again. Starting February 19th it will be at New Heights Lutheran Parish in Mazomanie. Ya'll come, now!
I continue to hammer away at my book on the police. It's something I need to do before I depart this life. I plan on answering one of my perplexing questions (and, hopefully, yours, too) -- Why don't the police improve? One way or another I will get this treatise into circulation -- even if I have to publish it myself!
In the meantime, we have our hopes and dreams for 2009 -- to embrace the journey always with a spirit of thankfulness!
Love to all of you and thankfully embrace the year to come no matter what happens!