We also had a minus 27 a week or so ago -- that's cold!
We are approaching the 6 week intermission between visits with our cancer doc and are anxiously awaiting the "numbers." We meet with Dr Sheehan next Wednesday.
Sabine's arm, though large, is showing good signs. If all is going well she will have another surgery sometime in March to bring the vein up for "button-holing" the fistula site.
All in all, Sabine has been feeling pretty perky.... exercising everyday... as we both try to set the cancer aside for a while and enjoy this wonderful life we have been given.
As you might imagine, the inauguration this week was pretty heady for both of us. America -- ain't it great?
I will have a report to you on the doctor visit next Wednesday.
In the meantime, we are planning a short trip south again... seeking warm weather.
Love to all of you,
David and Sabine