I will start out this crazy weekend with a narrative and then some pictures.
FRIDAY: Our trial-run home dialysis at the cottage. Are Nurse Dawn and Dr Song were here to observe and give us our FINAL EXAMINATION! (Sabine's BP was a little high!). All went well and we passed. Then a nap and off to set up our site at the Mt Horeb "Relay for Life." Sabine had her Dorothy costume and Charlotte's friends (the folks who painted at the cottage have also helped us out last month during the Wisconsin Heights Relay. This time they were Munchkins and the Scarecrow! Charlotte had her tin hat and axe as the Tinman. Thanks to Laurie, Pat, Maggie, Gail, and Pat #2!). We were also joined by Sue Wenger from St John's in Portage and Kim with her two boys, Jared and Jackson -- Charlotte's GREAT grandkids! They all were such a good help in setting up, taking down and helping entertain us.
I got talked into joining a special event to raise money around the track. Men were asked to dress up as women (drag?) and collect as much money as they could in an hour. Sabine was so nice, she lent me her Dorothy costume, red sequined shoes and wig. More about that later.
At 10 p.m. a special memorial fireworks display was set off and I have to say I have NEVER seen fireworks as many, varied and lengthy as these were. We were awestruck!
We got home and in bed just before midnight.
SATURDAY: We were up around 7 a.m. and attended the pancake breakfast back at the Relay site. A good breakfast. Then there was breaking down our "Wizard of Oz" campsite and loading it into the truck before the final awards ceremony.
While we had to split our money between two relays (raising over $3,000) we still ended up in the top twenty. Our movie theme campsite (and characters) won us second place overall among nearly 30 campsites. And when it came to the "Miss Relay" competition, I was squeezed out by two other "women of the night" but I was an acceptable third place.
Overall, the Mt Horeb "Relay for Life" raised over $100,000 to fight cancer!
SUNDAY: I was the supply priest at little St Andrew's in Monroe. Tired but present! Sabine got a pass.
See some of the pictures we took this weekend on Wild and Crazy Weekend II and III!
Thanks again for your support, love, and prayers.