There were great bands -- an especially good Cajun group -- and plenty of food (and beer!). (Sabine can't drink so I had one for her).
One of the highlights of the day was a free one-hour train ride. (I wasn't able to upload the video -- but the picture below is the start of it. You can see mile number 162 where the cottage stands).
If you look at the picture below of the cottage (a picture we took from our train ride that day) you can see Charlotte's fine gardening work.
She has planted flowers all around the cottage and in the yard. Yes, it is a blessing to have a hard-working German gardener on staff.
It was just one of those wonderful summer days in Wisconsin and Sabine greatly enjoyed being at the festival, walking to the cottage for a nap, and then going back to the festival. We hope to be back next year for another great time.