Sabine has just purchased the winning ticket for that John Deere tractor next to her... or so she thought! We are at a little weekend fest at Cable which is a little south of Iron River.

We have followed Vel's exploits over the years and secretly wanted to get him married off (there was that nurse in Haiti who really took a liking to him). But last year, Vel brought Claudia and we all fell in love with her, too.
Sabine and I couldn't make the wedding in Cincinatti where they live nor could we make the traditional orthodox wedding in Greece. So this weekend we had small wedding reception for Vel and Claudia and wished them the kind of love that we had! We hope it's catching!

On Sunday, we all took a pontoon boat ride and basked in the sun and beautiful fall colors.
We left on Sunday afternoon and returned to Mazomanie for dialysis. (oh yes, the verb is "dial-ize" -- thanks, Vel!).
We have greatly enjoyed the wonderful summer chemotherapy intermission. The home dialysis is going well and Sabine's health is more than I ever thought it would be -- thanks to prayer, good medical providers, and exercise!
Here's poem for fall:
rainy sunny morning wood-walk
fragrant aromatic leaves
kaleidoscopic umbers
cack-cawing blackbirds
a miniature toad hops across the trail
it is good
this life we have
our hands
entwined together