This past week we have all been busy sprucing up the farm. Saturday was our township "clean-up day" and we brought five pickup truck loads to the dump. We are also in the process of getting the pool up and running. Just relying on Mother Sun, the pool temp has now climbed from 55 degrees to over 70!
This weekend our friend and interior decorator came by and Sabine's brother, Rainer, who was down for a visit from Minnesota, and yours truly got the window coverings installed. Now the cottage is really looking finished! (That was one of our very last steps!) Next weekend we plan on doing our first "cottage vacation" in Mazomanie.
It is hard to believe but Sabine is running again. Though she sometimes has to walk, she is able to do the three mile run along north on Highway K to the bridge and back. (I have taken to walking and thrice-weekly 20+ mile bike rides. They are usually comfortable rides except when my younger friend, Jeff, takes me out and punishes me!
On our early Sunday morning walk in the woods, I snapped a couple of pictures. The picture above this one with Sabine standing on our bridge across the creek and another one with some huge woodpecker holes. I should think that these have been made by our elusive Pileated Woodpeckers who warily inhabit our woods.
We are also in pursuit of logging our woodland flowers. It seems that each day we get to take a picture of another new flower. Sunday, we spotted some ladyslippers coming up.
I would be remiss if I didn't enclose a picture of Charlotte's amazing garden in its early stages. While both Sabine's mother and my mother were gifted with "green thumbs" the genetic material was not passed to either one of us.
On Sunday, we all (Sabine, me, Charlotte and Rainer) attended Trinity Episcopal Church in Mineral Point again. It was Trinity Sunday and a good day to contemplate the incomprehensible-ness of God -- though we all should continue to try. On June 1st I am back to St Andrew's in Monroe for their second monthly encounter with me.
Tomorrow, we meet with staff members at our dialysis center to discuss the possibility and process of doing "home dialysis" sometime during the coming year. On one hand, it is encouraging that there is medical technology available that will permit Sabine to do her dialysis at home and then be able to travel with this unit.
On the other hand, it will be a bit of another transition/change as this most likely will result in having to give up any chance of her kidneys re-functioning.
Well, that's another weekly report from New Journey Farm. We would appreciate continued prayers so that the "cancer numbers" are reduced even lower -- especially that these nasty lambda light chain proteins come down to a "normal" level again.
God bless you and thank you and we love you all!