Ed. Note: Hard to believe, yet wonderful to experience, we are entering our ninth year of managing/controlling/wrestling with CANCER. A good way to let those who are following this blog know what's been going on with Sabine and her gang is for me to post our annual Christmas newsletter.
Christmas News - 2016!
From New Journey Farm in Beautiful Blue Mounds
By David Couper & Sabine Lobitz
Sabine relaxing with her morning coffee on the Mississippi with trusty companions Mocha and David. |
A Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to come to all our friends and family. This was one of those years which brought with it both hard and amazing times. The hard times began with the establishment of a “new normal” as Sabine’s cancer showed some progression. Having been literally spoiled for years of stability and oral chemotherapies, Sabine found it difficult to participate in many of her usual activities like cycling, kayaking and disc golf to name a few.
Veteran's For Police Memorial
Day Reflection |
Alexander, parents, godparents
and priest. |
Through this adjustment back to IV infusion chemo two times a week at the hospital, David was still able to teach for the second year at UW-Platteville, preach at St. Peter’s, helped organize a regional policing conference, and, through his popular blog, to help coach and lead police improvement with regard to recent officer-involved shootings, and the resultant diminishing support and trust for police among people of color.
Cap'n Dave and his crew: Sabine,
Heather H., Gracie, and Heather R.
at the Dubuque Boat Parade. |
Still they were able to make it out to the American Players Theater in nearby Spring Green for a great summer season as well as attend performances in Platteville and Dubuque. Most of their “off-time” (read: home dialysis, support groups, chemotherapies, lab and doctor visits) was spent on the good ship Kokomo at the Port of Dubuque.
Their church gave them some great volunteer opportunities and many blessings. They had visits from granddaughter Gracie and her mom who live in San Diego, and also a summer visit from granddaughter Heather from Michigan. They joined together for the annual Dubuque boat parade. They also had a visit from daughter Yumi and her longtime friend Jessica which was followed by Sabine’s cousin, Helmut, from Montana who had recently lost his wife. Cousin Helene has been down from Stevens Point nearly every month to visit Sabine’s mom, Charlotte, and to help out. (We hear it’s been a big treat!).
Old Dogs at University High School's
60th Reunion. |
Other visitors we’ve seen come and go are Sabine’s brother, Rainer, her sister, Barbara, and cousin Teak and her gang along with daughter Sumi, Scott and Taylor.
We also overheard (our ears are super-sensitive) that David was able to attend his high school’s 60th reunion in the Twin Cities. He stayed in a wonderful refurbished inn on Nicollet Island, in a building he once took homeless people to when he was a cop in Minneapolis.
Alexander Wolf Ransom-Couper
August 12, 2016 |
But there is bigger news ahead: another grandchild, Alexander Wolf Ransom-Couper, came into the world by way of son Joshua and Rachel. (Just in the nick of time as they needed to have a Holy Family for Christmas Eve at St. Peter’s.) He is an amazing youngster! Then (as if all this news was not enough for our little ears), daughter Yumi (still an officer in the Army) and Matt are expecting! More yet: and granddaughter Hannah is getting married just before Christmas in Minnesota. Just when you think things are dull and routine, this family kicks in with new adventures and new members!
At the Dubuque Art Museum Benefit |
From our earthy prospective, no matter how difficult some aspects of life may seem, the wonder of it all is enough to take your breath away. Open up and breathe! And on behalf of those who live above us and their friends and family, follow the Star, do good, be alert, press on, and work for justice.
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from those of us under and above ground!

The New Journey Farm Moles
A note: “Although your ravaged lawn makes it look as though a whole family of moles has moved in, it only takes a single mole to create tunnels and mounds over a wide area; Moles are demolition masters. Surface tunnels are what you see when you are fighting moles, but in reality they are a small slice of the architecture of a mole’s home. Often, the tunnels are dotted with huge mounds of dirt in order to make a nice tunnel.”