Monday, September 5, 2011

A Summer (Almost) Without Cancer

The Couper family's "Restoration Cruise" this summer.

This Spring Sabine received a 12 week respite from her daily regimen of chemotherapy. It was a welcome break which enabled us to forget (almost) her cancer this summer. Next week is the 12th week and time for the blood test and conference with Dr Sheehan that will tell us what the cancer is doing or (hopefully) has not doing.

The respite permitted us to have a more flexible dialysis schedule, take a number of kayak trips, attend plays at the APT, and engage fully in my family’s “restoration cruise” on the Mississippi River last month (see
Sabine with granddaughter Taylor.

So, it has been a good summer. But for me, it always seems that I am looking over my shoulder, warily watching out for the cancer which seems to stalk us. Yes, I worry... but it seems that this summer I have worried less than I have the past two summers. And that’s an improvement.

But last week Sabine had some back pain. Alert! Warning bell! The urinalysis was negative but we have not heard back on the Xrays. Waiting. Worrying.

Sabine continues to exercise daily and reports the pain it not as bad as it was last week. Still back pain (and the complications regarding bone loss with Multiple Myeloma and dialysis) is something I will continue to worry about.

So, it’s back to see Dr Sheehan next week at the UW Cancer Clinic and formulating some next steps depending on what those nasty light chains in Sabine’s blood were up to (or not up to) this summer.

In January, we will enter our 4th year living with cancer. I know we both are grateful to God for the time we have been given and the family and friends who continue to pour out their love upon us. Yes, life is good! In fact, it is very good!

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