Monday, June 1, 2009

Slow, but Sure! T-Day +32

I know things are improving because after we brought a blood sample into the dialysis center on Fish Hatchery Road, Sabine wanted to go the the "Yes Buffet" -- a great Chinese buffet with all the trimmings (even Chinese pizza!) and she ate like a little piggy!(Chinese piggy, of course).

Her fortune cookie! "Fate happens now, you decide."

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy and thankful that Sabine is finnally starting to feel like her self again. Your strength and courage to face each new challenge is a testament to the power of God to hold us in his arms when we need him the most. Life does not always turn out the way we plan it the road is long and hard, but where we allow that road to take us is a matter of choice. Fate happens now you decide is truly the road God laid out for all of us. Love and prayers The Wrotens
