Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 8 (I think)

This week has gone remarkably well. Sabine is tolerating the chemotherapy very well and continues to exercise every day! (She read an account of a physician who was a distance runner and continued to "get out" every day -- run/walk -- just get out! And I am sure this has influenced her.

We started daily labs this morning to check the blood counts. If all goes well we should go in for "harvesting" on Monday or Tuesday.

I did the Marriage Course by myself (The joke: "Well, folks, I am here by myself to talk about 'Good Sex!' Sabine sent me by myself!") All went well, but, as they say, it's a lot easier and more fun to have a partner!

We are getting a snapshot of the future as our friend, Darlene, and her husband, Tony, is 30 days ahead of us. When Sabine checked into the hospital, Darlene received her chemotherapy (melphalan) prior to her stem cell infusion. We get blogs from Darlene and today she is very, very tired as her white blood count (WBC) was just about zero!

So, that's the mid-week report. Stay tuned. Be good to one another...