Thursday, January 17, 2008

January 17, 2008 -- D-Day Plus One

THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD! Sabine started her chemotherapy last night. I can’t imagine what her night was like. But we at home got a relatively good night’s sleep and now the ADVANCE begins.

Sabine may come home as soon as TODAY! But by FRIDAY for sure. They want to get her out of the hospital as soon as possible because that place is filled with GERMS!

HERE’S THE BATTLE ASSIGNMENT FOLKS – all you that offered to HELP. We need 6-8 people to help us clean this dusty farmhouse, seal off a room for Sabine, transport and put in place a hospital bed, and a host of other chores.

I know this is short notice. I know it is snowing this morning, but we honestly do need help and we need it NOW -- and we need it fast. This is an emergency. Barb will start the phone chain at 7 a.m. this morning.

This is a critical time as Sabine needs to be in a fairly aseptic environment she is very susceptible to infection during the next TWO WEEKS.

God bless you all and godspeed!


  1. And so the battle begins! I wish I could be there to help but you both (all) have my prayers and thoughts. There are so many new treatments for multiple myeloma. And you are at a very good hospital. Take care to fatten Sabine up with lots of healthy food. Even after eight years, when I joined a battle, I'm still cutting my fingernails short and keeping handsoap and antiseptic cleanser close by! This is your life now--embrace it! Donna Gorski

  2. Dear Sabine,
    Please know you have our prayers for a continued and complete recovery. You have always been so energetic and full of life that we hope that energy will help you to fight this disease. You are at a great hospital and have a wonderful support team. Fight this with all you've got! We will pray for you. We love you girl.
